A decade has passed, with tireless efforts and love, the Healing of the Nations Foundation has risen above, dedicated to serving the least fortunate, with care and grace, bringing hope, comfort and a smile to every single face.

In the Philippines, where the need is great, you’ve worked hard to alleviate, the suffering and hardships of the people you serve, making a positive impact that they will always preserve.

With programs and services that truly make a difference, you’ve shown that even a small act of kindness has immense existence. Feeding the hungry, caring for the sick and the poor. You’ve opened doors and hearts that were previously closed for sure.

And to all the volunteers, who’ve lent their helping hand. A heartfelt thank you, for the love and kindness you’ve fanned. Your selflessness and dedication has not gone unnoticed. You are the heroes of this noble cause, and your efforts are so prized.

So here’s to the members and volunteers of the Healing of the Nations Foundation. For your unwavering commitment and your selfless dedication; for the lives you’ve touched and the change you’ve brought. Your impact will live on, forever in the hearts of those you’ve sought.

And to all the volunteers, may your passion continue to grow, inspiring others to do the same, and to give a helping hand too.

Happy 10th anniversary, may you continue to grow, bringing hope, love and happiness wherever you go. You are a beacon of light and a shining example, of how a single act of kindness can make the world a better temple.