Support the victims of typhoon Ulysses

Together, hand in hand, let us help the victims from the typhoon Ulysses. Click the link below to check our GoFund me page. Here are few snapshot from facebook. Photos by: Yeng Constantino ( Let us help the victims of this terrible disaster.

Feeding the street dwellers

“You ask and you shall receive” Truly a blessings to be instrumental in this humanitarian works. When times are rough and everyone is in need but your heart desire is to share whatever you have, Prayers will never fail you. Thank you Lord for using us to share the blessings and grace we receives from […]

The Aetas children gift-giving

Thank you Ann M Soria Tham our International Director of Healing of The Nations Foundation for leading this mission. THE AETAS CHILDREN… GIFT GIVING… Thank you to All the Support and Donations for our Sponsors and Members of HOTNF.Ariestl Dza, Bellavi Bella, Elsie Chan and SGU Nevada..and to Mam Claudia Toledo for choosing your good […]

Feeding the homeless

Another successful Holiday feeding. The spirit of sharing the blessings. Thank you for those who volunteered their time and helped cooked. Aileen , Flory, Milo ,Carlos and Regina. Thank you for your donation Carlos and Genie Ancola. Thank you for letting the Healing of the Nations Foundation Inc. participate in your holiday feeding , Randy […]