Healing Nations and
Share a Room

We are working to aid people who want to improve their lives, careers and their future

Our Mission

Our programs are available for children, young adults, families and senior citizens. These programs include, but are not limited to – transportation (bike or bus program), volunteer program (earn rewards or prizes – some monetary), credit program (repair or start up credit). We provide a way for people to help themselves and each other. 

This is achieved by first solving the basic problems: adequate shelter, food, clothing, hygienic needs and safety. Our unique programs, provide our residents with a bed and linens, storage, 3 meals a day, clothing, towels, shampoo, soap, other hygienic needs, lounges, laundry facilities, and other needs.



Once their basic needs are met, these people can address the other issues in their lives, such as a job, training in a trade or taking courses, establishing credit, taking care of debts or a dependency on drugs or alcohol. Our residents in these programs are required to work on improving their lives while helping others. Everyone entering the program has to fill out a “goals” form which is followed up with individual meetings to see how they have progressed towards achieving these goals.

We are also working with our clients to obtain homes of their own, improving or establishing credit, and working to obtain better jobs in the careers of their choice. In return our clients are required to follow the House Rules as well as do volunteer work in their neighborhood and community to improve and enhance their lives as well as others. We have house managers and crews that handle the upkeep of any property, and do random inspections daily and weekly. The house manager also arranges weekly or monthly meetings with all residents.

Theses are just a few of our programs that we have designed to specifically help the homeless and the helpless. With your help we can fight to end homelessness. We want to help people who are in need and make difference in our world.

12 Greatest programs

The 12 Greatest programs are teaming up with various communities to help end homelessness and help those in need. These 12 companies can help meet the needs of many people in 12 unique and different ways. Our main goal is to help them get back on their own two feet. We have designed these programs in such a way that they are more beneficial than any welfare or halfway house program out there.

The 12 Greatest Companies have created a program that will help these people in specific areas such as: food, shelter, home/car repairs, security, transportation, childcare, financial, medical, and housing supplies. One of our unique programs, Healing of the Nations provides affordable housing to the homeless while they receive counseling; go through rehab and career placement.

Housing Projects

Food Project

Grant Project

Medical Projects

Safety Projects

Car Service Projects

Banking System Cash Your Way Project

Special Children's, Adult and Seniors Projects

Work Projects , School Projects, Legal Projects

Financial Planning /Life Insurance Project

The organization’s projects, implemented by a well-trained staff, provide many opportunities for the reduction of unemployment, poverty, and homelessness through safe, affordable housing. Furthermore Healing of the Nations. has incorporated green housing into its overall objectives. Homes owned by the foundation will be retrofitted with solar panels and other forms of alternative energy, thus reducing housing costs and supporting the environment. This is a unique approach to housing for the poor and indigent.

Supporting the development of self-confidence, knowledge, and occupational ability, the organization provides many individuals with a foundation for future success.

Individual empowerment and self-determination have always been strong components of the organization. The organization was formed to address the numerous social, vocational, and economical needs of the area’s low-income families and individuals. The goal is to counteract failure, and to assist in the provision of opportunities for self-sufficiency. The mission of the organization is to provide economic opportunities where none currently exist.

The organization currently wishes to model an existing program on a larger scale. The company wants to purchase new housing units within the city and house tenants, including the mentally ill, recovering substance abusers and the homeless. Healing of the Nation will also open a food kitchen on-site for daily meals. Other services include counseling medically ill patients, developing plans for daily living and coping skills, drug treatment and employment placement. A resident manager will live on-sit, also plans to host AA and NA meetings at the complex, as well as other life-enhancing programs and services. 

This full-service complex will manage the highly specialized needs of tenants and a take whole-person approach to living.

In addition, we have partnered with the highly respected and reputable green home builder. This company has graciously offered reduced rates for retrofitting Rooming-owned properties. These homes will serve as national examples of what can be done when environmentally-conscious building and human services join forces. This program will begin in California and spread out across the United States and in the Philippines.

Recognizing the needs that exist both nationally, and in California then in the Philippines, staff provides an opportunity for education, food, clothing, housing and medical care. The organization’s goals are accomplished by offering the opportunity for people to understand how improving each part of their life will improve the whole. Ongoing evaluation assures progress and cost-effectiveness.

The organization has been funded primarily through private and in-kind donations. Fundraising is a continuous, ongoing effort. A grant will assist in the survival of the organization’s projects. This funding will be used for costs related to capital, program, and administrative expenses.